The ANC's share of the vote fell from 57 per cent in the 2019 elections, itself a record low, to just 40 percent, much lower ...
Despite the dramatic prospects for both, worthy historical treatments of the American Revolution have been far outnumbered by ...
Im Rahmen ihres Wahlkampfs für das Studierendenparlament an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin organisieren die International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) am Dienstag, den 11. Juni um ...
Kaum mehr als ein Jahr ist seit dem Abschluss des sogenannten „Zukunftstarifvertrags“ zwischen IG-Metall und Alstom vergangen ...
Es handelt sich um Gestenpolitik in ihrer zynischsten Form: Sanchez, Harris und Støre versuchen, den Arbeitern und ...
This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago ...
Die Entscheidung, die Bereitschaftspolizei an die University of California Santa Cruz zu schicken, soll den akademischen ...
India’s most influential Maoist organization—the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation—is a founding member ...
The state of Germany’s housing market is becoming increasingly catastrophic, with millions of households struggling with exploding rents.
A third person, second in Michigan, who works closely with dairy cows has been found infected with the highly pathogenic bird ...
In den verbleibenden fünf Monaten bis zu den Wahlen im November kann noch viel passieren. Es ist möglich, dass am Ende weder ...
To accuse Bogdan of treason is an absolute outrage. The war against Russia being fought in Ukraine is all about money and ...