A good milking routine is hugely important, especially when it comes to milking efficiency and the hygienic removal of milk ...
It can lay claim to being around for 8,000 years and has strong links with Ireland but where did the not so humble potato ...
Factories have been urged to be “responsible in their pricing of lambs and hoggets” in order to not undermine the sheep trade ...
As calves have been slowly getting out to pasture in recent weeks, it is important to protect them against johne's disease ...
MII has warned that any potential changes to the nitrates derogation could also 'impact' on the beef sector's output.
Forest owners are hosting free events this month and will be sharing their knowledge with farmers who may be considering ...
50 years of being in business was celebrated in Tipperary, as W.J. Carroll held an open day with working demonstrations at ...
A Co. Cork-based couple have taken abandoned goats into their microsanctuary, with a GoFundMe campaign underway to support ...
Thinking about bull safety is crucial, as we are now entering into the fifth week of the breeding season, a lot of farmers ...
Adding organic matter to soil and using much more bio-fertilisers on all crops are among the ways in which Meade Farm is ...
Cork County Council has awarded €44,600 in grant funding under its heritage grant scheme, with a 20% rise in the number of ...
The most popular sire breed of suckler-bred calves born in 2023 was Limousin, according to figures from the DAFM’s 2023 AIM ...