NEW YORK — When should you upgrade your smartphone? For some, getting the latest and greatest new mobile device on day one is an absolute must, no matter the cost. For others, they’ll wait until their ...
Between the villages of Vierville-sur-Mer and Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes in Normandy, France, is a 5-mile stretch of beach that was once called Côte d’Or, or “golden coast.” Since June 6, 1944, ...
You just had a checkup with your family doctor. Your weight and blood pressure have been creeping up over the last few years, now putting you at greater risk for a heart attack, stroke, or Type 2 ...
PULLMAN, Wash. — Polar bears are facing an unprecedented risk of extinction due to their inability to adapt to the lengthening summers in the Arctic, a recent study warns. Inhabiting Arctic regions ...
COVID-19 taught most people that the line between tolerable and toxic stress – defined as persistent demands that lead to disease – varies widely. But, some people will age faster and die younger from ...
When a child is diagnosed with autism, there is a period of mourning for what might have been. It could be likened to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s five stages of death and dying: denial, anger, bargaining, ...
Trauma, abuse, and neglect — in the current cultural landscape, it’s not hard to find a myriad of discussions on these topics. But with so many people chiming in on the conversation, it’s more ...
PASADENA, Calif. — Star Trek fans, you may want to sit down for this one. It seems Vulcan is not a real planet after all! In a plot twist worthy of the iconic sci-fi show itself, the planet thought to ...
StudyFinds' Dr. Faith Coleman looks at the issue of AI in the field of medicine. Is advanced technology ready to take over ...
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The key to a healthier heart may be sitting in your kitchen’s trash bin. Groundbreaking research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that those ...
BATH, England — In the fight against antibiotic-resistant superbugs, scientists are leaving no stone unturned. Or in this case, no hot spring unexplored. Researchers from the University of Plymouth ...
BOSTON — Girls in the United States, especially those from racial minorities and lower-income backgrounds, are starting their periods at a younger age than ever before. This trend, known as early ...